Классификатор по физике
100 Physics
110 General sections of theoretical physics
120 The physics of elementary particles
130 Nuclear physics
140 Atomic and molecular physics
1401 Electronic structure of atoms and molecules: theory
31.10.+z Theory of electronic structure, electronic transitions, and chemical binding
31.15.-p Calculations and mathematical techniques in atomic and molecular physics
31.15.A- Ab initio calculations
31.15.ac High-precision calculations for few-electron (or few-body) atomic systems
31.15.ae Electronic structure and bonding characteristics
31.15.ag Excitation energies and lifetimes; oscillator strengths
31.15.aj Relativistic corrections, spin-orbit effects, fine structure; hyperfine structure
31.15.am Relativistic configuration interaction (CI) and many-body perturbation calculations
31.15.ap Polarizabilities and other atomic and molecular properties
31.15.aq Strongly correlated electron systems: generalized tight-binding method
31.15.at Molecule transport characteristics; molecular dynamics; electronic structure of polymers
31.15.B- Approximate calculations
31.15.bt Statistical model calculations (including Thomas-Fermi and Thomas-Fermi-Dirac models)
31.15.bu Semi-empirical and empirical calculations (differential overlap, Hückel, PPP methods, etc.)
31.15.bw Coupled-cluster theory
31.15.E- Density-functional theory
31.15.ec Hohenberg-Kohn theorem and formal mathematical properties, completeness theorems
31.15.ee Time-dependent density functional theory
31.15.eg Exchange-correlation functionals (in current density functional theory)
31.15.ej Spin-density functionals
31.15.em Corrections for core-spin polarization, surface effects, etc.
31.15.ep Variational particle-number approach
31.15.es Applications of density-functional theory (e.g., to electronic structure and stability; defect formation; dielectric properties, susceptibilities; viscoelastic coefficients; Rydberg transition frequencies)
31.15.V- Electron correlation calculations for atoms, ions and molecules
31.15.ve Electron correlation calculations for atoms and ions: ground state
31.15.vj Electron correlation calculations for atoms and ions: excited states
31.15.vn Electron correlation calculations for diatomic molecules
31.15.vq Electron correlation calculations for polyatomic molecules
31.15.X- Alternative approaches
31.15.xf Finite-difference schemes
31.15.xg Semiclassical methods
31.15.xh Group-theoretical methods
31.15.xj Hyperspherical methods
31.15.xk Path-integral methods
31.15.xm Quasiparticle methods
31.15.xp Perturbation theory
31.15.xr Self-consistent-field methods
31.15.xt Variational techniques
31.15.xv Molecular dynamics and other numerical methods
31.15.xw Valence bond calculations
31.30.-i Corrections to electronic structure
31.30.Gs Hyperfine interactions and isotope effects
31.30.J- Relativistic and quantum electrodynamic (QED) effects in atoms, molecules, and ions
31.30.jc Relativistic corrections to atomic structure and properties
31.30.jd Relativistic corrections due to negative-energy states or processes
31.30.jf QED calculations of level energies, transition frequencies, fine structure intervals (radiative corrections, self-energy, vacuum polarization, etc.)
31.30.jg QED corrections to parity nonconserving transition amplitudes and CP violations
31.30.jh QED corrections to long-range and weak interactions
31.30.jn QED corrections to electric dipole moments and other atomic properties
31.30.jp Electron electric dipole moment
31.30.jr QED corrections (Lamb shift) in muonic hydrogen and deuterium
31.30.js Corrections to bound-electron g factor
31.30.jx Nonrelativistic limits of Dirac-Fock calculations
31.30.jy Higher-order effective Hamiltonians
31.30.jz Decay rates of hydrogen-antihydrogen quasimolecules
31.50.-x Potential energy surfaces
31.50.Bc Potential energy surfaces for ground electronic states
31.50.Df Potential energy surfaces for excited electronic states
31.70.-f Effects of atomic and molecular interactions on electronic structure
31.70.Dk Environmental and solvent effects
31.70.Hq Time-dependent phenomena: excitation and relaxation processes, and reaction rates
31.50.Gh Surface crossings, non-adiabatic couplings
31.70.Ks Molecular solids
31.90.+s Other topics in the theory of the electronic structure of atoms and molecules
1402 Atomic properties and interactions with photons
32.10.-f Properties of atoms
32.10.Bi Atomic masses, mass spectra, abundances, and isotopes
32.10.Dk Electric and magnetic moments, polarizabilities
32.10.Ee Magnetic bound states, magnetic trapping of Rydberg states
32.10.Fn Fine and hyperfine structure
32.10.Hq Ionization potentials, electron affinities
32.30.-r Atomic spectra
32.30.Bv Radio-frequency, microwave, and infrared spectra
32.30.Dx Magnetic resonance spectra
32.30.Jc Visible and ultraviolet spectra
32.30.Rj X-ray spectra
32.50.+d Fluorescence, phosphorescence (including quenching)
32.60.+i Zeeman and Stark effects
32.70.-n Intensities and shapes of atomic spectral lines
32.70.Cs Oscillator strengths, lifetimes, transition moments
32.70.Fw Absolute and relative intensities
32.70.Jz Line shapes, widths, and shifts
32.80.-t Photoionization and excitation
32.80.Aa Inner-shell excitation and ionization
32.80.Ee Rydberg states
32.80.Fb Photoionization of atoms and ions
32.80.Gc Photodetachment of atomic negative ions
32.80.Hd Auger effect (including Coster-Krönig transitions)
32.80.Qk Coherent control of atomic interactions with photons
32.80.Rm Multiphoton ionization and excitation to highly excited states
32.80.Wr Other multiphoton processes
32.80.Xx Level crossing and optical pumping
32.80.Zb Autoionization
32.90.+a Other topics in atomic properties and interactions of atoms with photons
1403 Molecular properties and interactions with photons
33.15.-e Properties of molecules
33.15.Bh General molecular conformation and symmetry; stereochemistry
33.15.Dj Interatomic distances and angles
33.15.Fm Bond strengths, dissociation energies
33.15.Hp Barrier heights (internal rotation, inversion, rotational isomerism, conformational dynamics)
33.15.Kr Electric and magnetic moments (and derivatives), polarizability, and magnetic susceptibility
33.15.Mt Rotation, vibration, and vibration-rotation constants
33.15.Pw Fine and hyperfine structure
33.15.Ry Ionization potentials, electron affinities, molecular core binding energy
33.15.Ta Mass spectra
33.15.Vb Correlation times in molecular dynamics
33.20.-t Molecular spectra
33.20.Bx Radio-frequency and microwave spectra
33.20.Ea Infrared spectra
33.20.Fb Raman and Rayleigh spectra (including optical scattering)
33.20.Kf Visible spectra
33.20.Lg Ultraviolet spectra
33.20.Ni Vacuum ultraviolet spectra
33.20.Rm X-ray spectra
33.20.Sn Rotational analysis
33.20.Tp Vibrational analysis
33.20.Vq Vibration-rotation analysis
33.20.Wr Vibronic, rovibronic, and rotation-electron-spin interactions
33.20.Xx Spectra induced by strong-field or attosecond laser irradiation
33.25.+k Nuclear resonance and relaxation
33.35.+r Electron resonance and relaxation
33.40.+f Multiple resonances (including double and higher-order resonance processes, such as double nuclear magnetic resonance, electron double resonance, and microwave optical double resonance)
33.45.+x Mössbauer spectra
33.50.-j Fluorescence and phosphorescence; radiationless transitions, quenching (intersystem crossing, internal conversion)
33.50.Dq Fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra
33.50.Hv Radiationless transitions, quenching
33.55.+b Optical activity and dichroism
33.57.+c Magneto-optical and electro-optical spectra and effects
33.60.+q Photoelectron spectra
33.70.-w Intensities and shapes of molecular spectral lines and bands
33.70.Ca Oscillator and band strengths, lifetimes, transition moments, and Franck-Condon factors
33.70.Fd Absolute and relative line and band intensities
33.70.Jg Line and band widths, shapes, and shifts
33.80.-b Photon interactions with molecules
33.80.Be Level crossing and optical pumping
33.80.Eh Autoionization, photoionization, and photodetachment
33.80.Gj Diffuse spectra; predissociation, photodissociation
33.80.Rv Multiphoton ionization and excitation to highly excited states (e.g., Rydberg states)
33.80.Wz Other multiphoton processes
33.90.+h Other topics in molecular properties and interactions with photons
1404 Atomic and molecular collision processes and interactions
1405 Exotic atoms and molecules; macromolecules; clusters
1406 Experimental methods and instrumentation for atomic and molecular physics
150 Wave Phenomena
160 Plasma physics (see also 6212)
170 Condensed matter physics
180 Applied physics